How to be A Responsible Netizen?
We all know that the social media plays a vital role
in today’s society. In a way that it helps us a lot in everything because in
just one click it will automatically give us many information we need. but on
the other hand, despite that it is reliable and helpful. Social media is also
the reason why many certain issues about the society is raising and causes a
big problem in other individual lives that may also lead to a serious matter.
That is why it is important to be a responsible netizen. But how? Why do we
need to be a responsible netizen? What are the things we need to do? And what will
happen if we will be responsible?
Being a responsible netizen means using technology
appropriately and operating online safely and knowledgeably is very important
to be updated in what are happening around u. But some of us are not using the
media right and responsibly that causes people to interfere in their lives to
give them some advices but those who don’t value humanity they’ll just keep
interfering until it will be an issue in the social media. So, the main question is what are the things
that we need to do to be a responsible netizen? But before that we all know the
famous acronym T.H.I.N.K, THINK stands for
T - True
Before posting or sharing you must observe at the
statement or the information if it Is true or not. This will help you a lot in
being responsible in deciding if it is necessary to share for the rights of
other netizens who will see it.
H - Helpful
This tells if the information or the media is HELPFUL
for you. this will help you to be more responsible
in deciding if you really need the information that you saw on the media
I - Informative
It’s also important to know if the information you saw
is informative or just nonsense. This will help you to find information that
are reliable and not just for entertainment but to educate others too.
Always think if the media or the information you saw
is really necessary for you. Keep in mind that you must use the social media
for information and communication purposes not for nonsense things.
K - Kind
In everything we post think if the information is KIND and by that means that the words that are in the post is kind for the readers. Always think that the information or the readers will not be harmful.
These tips will 100% help each and every one of us to
be a responsible netizen in using social media.
And most of all, in balancing the use of social media
and using in the right and responsible way. Just always remember to
before you click”
Before that, Virtual world may be about having fun,
but each and every one of us must not forget our manners when we’re using
different social media platforms regarding our own life. Every netizen has the
responsibility to have proper netiquette online and to use it properly.
Remember the following netiquettes that will help us
to be responsible when we’re online:
1. Be
aware of what you post online
Most used social media platforms are
Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter. Those platforms are often used to drop off frustrations
and may be fun to use but make that you are responsible enough to know what the
appropriate things are when you post something personal online. Ask yourself
first you won’t harm others in your post, if it is worth sharing. Keep in mind
that what you post online always reflect to you. So, be a smart netizen
Be careful of what you say
Being careful to the fact that you
won’t look like a rude, insensitive, arrogant or a sly person. For example, is
when you write a comment that can cause future embarrassment and remains there
forever. That is why it is important to be polite and to be more mature in
interacting with your friends, and families online especially to the followers
and audience on social media
3. Be
mindful of Privacy
Because of technology and social
media, it’s very easy to take a screenshot everywhere, that is why I advise you
to be mindful about your privacy. Because we’ll never know what other people
know about you that you don’t actually know or doesn’t really make sense. They
may use it against you. that is why if you don’t want that to happen don’t post
personal things about you, or just share it privately. To avoid this certain
Social media is important but being a RESPONSIBLE
NETIZEN is more important, to avoid being the risk of being in danger in using
the media. We must prioritize being responsible because some of us are not
using the social media in the right and responsible way. It’s not about being
KJ (kill joy) or what but because it is for the good of everyone who are using
the social media.
I hope u learn something in this blog, thank you!
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